Investment Strategy
IBS approaches institutional investing with two basic objectives:
Invest for Income
In evaluating potential current income investments, IBS looks for real estate with stable and predictable cash flows, an opportunity for growth in rental rates, a diversified tenant base, restricted
supply in the sub-market, a favorable demographic profile, and which have the potential for generating moderate capital gains over a five to ten-year horizon. IBS seeks to identify growing asset
classes that are reasonably priced and have the prospect of becoming attractive asset classes for institutional investors.
Invest for Growth
In evaluating potential equity projects, IBS targets sectors that demonstrate strong growth potential supported by fundamental trends. IBS targets projects that have innovative products or services,
leading market positions, and strong management teams capable of building shareholder value; a sustainable value proposition due to market strength in a product line, technology, distribution,
manufacturing, or brand; a clear business strategy with multiple avenues for growth and market share gains.